My Wedding

Disclaimer: Possibly not for those who are currently made teary-eyed easily.

About a year ago I came to a small list of things (people) who I deemed required to be around for my wedding. They are as follows:

(1) My dad. Of course, it's every girl's wish, maybe even need, for her dad to walk her down the aisle. It's a definite requirement for me.
(2) My grandma. Come on, she's my grandma, and she's still cool as heck. I want her to see me there all dolled up.
(3) My great aunts and uncle. It's true, I don't seem them often, but it's the principle. They have so much life experience and I know that they've been to so many weddings during their lifetime, but I wanted them to come to mine. And yes, I knew that they were old seven years ago, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt a little when the reality checks keep coming in that this one may not happen.


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