First Quarter Check In
I made a list of new year "resolutions" three months ago. Let's see how I'm doing so far.
- complete a 5k (note I said complete; it might be a race for some, but I just want to be able to finish)
- write more often (write anything, really)
- write more letters (okay, more specific)
- spend more time outside (Jack needs to spend more time outside too once it's warmer)
We have had some crazy gorgeous weather the past few weeks, so I've been outside when I can - -like, to the point of doing some work/research outside on the porch. Oh, and Jack and I are getting in a walk (sometimes two) nearly everyday.
- go back to Savannah (obv)
- teach more (and in a variety of grades - -gotta get outta that comfort zone!)
- cook more (lots of things....and new things, too)
- trust
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