Book v Movie

Which is better? The book, or the movie?
For me, well, I'm normally a fan of the book over the movie. For example, the Harry Potter movies? There are some great scenes from the books that the movies cut, and, well, that's just wrong, whereas there are other scenes that the movies destroy completely, again, sad. Twilight? Similar story, but then again, the movie emphasizes some things from the book really well. Bridges of Madison County? Don't get me wrong, show me the scene of Clint Eastwood standing in the rain, and I will cry right there, but.... book wins, sorry Clint. Angels and Demons though... well.... I may actually like the movie better. *GASP* I know, right? But I saw the movie before I read the book, and I think that's what did it. I like what goes on with the cardinals more in the movie (the water one is much different), but at the same time, the bad guy in the book is way more of a bad ass, which is great. There were a couple of other things from the book that I liked more as well, the crazy little twist with the pope at the end was pretty great, I'm not going to lie, but the cardinal in the water.... ooh.... I'm a sucker for happier moments, what can I say? I think the movie might win, but, from now on... I'm definitely going to keep up with reading of the book before I see it in the theater.


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