Not a teenager anymore

I think that at some point during my youth that I managed to convince myself that when I turned twenty my life would somehow become a little easier, less drama involved.
And now, I'm actually laughing as I type that.
I don't have that safety net anymore, the last resort excuse that, I'm a teenager, I'm suppose to be naive and (for lack of a better word) stupid.
Poof! Gone!
Now I actually have to think of why I do some of the things I do and what to do about this silly thing called the future.
Less drama?
Yes, I'm still laughing.


  1. It's okay, I thought that, too. And I thought it again when I turned 30. Oh, the lies we tell ourselves!

  2. technically you're not quite an adult. As I looked at it 3 years ago, I wasn't a teen yet not quite an adult.

    Which is advantageous considering you can be flexible with being 20. Sure, you have the nieve teenager-ness card, but you are old enough to be a woman.

    Just wait until next year, that's when the bottom falls out! =p


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