It's That Time Again.

In 2007, I gained a first year college experience (including a major).

I lost contact with some (good) friends.

I stopped stressing about the little things - -For the most part anyway.

I started to plan ahead in life.

I was hugely satisfied by acing my first semester ;-)

And frustrated by a certain individual who sometimes confused the hell out of me.

I am so embarrassed that I still find my thoughts wandering back to a year ago and then some....

Once again, I plotted evil against others.

Once again, I did not say
what I meant.

The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is nothing, really. But I will be getting contacts in a week!

The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is my outlook on the world and the people in it (at least those I know, anyway.)

I loved spending time with cute little nieces and nephews and my friends.

Why did I spend even two minutes thinking that he could have missed me?

I should have spent more time outside.

I regret buying a CD that made me remember all the wrong things.

I will never regret buying my little blue dress even though with that money I could have bought more appropriate clothes... Like the ones I need for work.

I worked way too much.

I didn't sleep enough.

My friends drove me crazy.

Was my summer crazier than ever last year? Or was it me?

The most relaxing place I went was Barnes and Noble on this one specific day....

I feel so dreamy when I write that down.

Why did I go to his house?

The best thing I did for someone else was tell them I was happy for them.

The best thing I did for myself was forgive and (try to) forget.

The best thing someone did for me was say that some things are worth fighting for and that they believed I would pick what I really wanted... Even though I wasn't so sure of myself.

The one thing I'd like to do again, but do it better, is live life


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