
I'm done with high school.
Let me say it again for you: I'm done with high school.
It's a weird feeling. Okay, maybe not that weird, but on our last day I don't think that my boyfriend and his friend could have gotten me out of the field house any faster, yet even in the back of my mind I think I thought it was weird. Don't I owe a good-bye to this place? A thanks maybe? Maybe even a few fuck yous? The answer is, I do - - To all of the above, actually. That building has seen a lot of me the past few years: Me unbelievably happy - -like Cloud Nine happy (have you ever wonder what's so special about Nine?); Me unbelievably pissed to the point that I actually felt my body temperature rise, my blood boil; Me lost and battered to the floor; And even me smacking some sense into myself to say Get up off the damn floor, Kozak.
I don't think it's sunk in yet - -at least not fully. I realize that I'm done, and I am grateful, but I'm not quite ready for the next step yet. I am fully prepared, physically and mentally, sure, but... There are still some things that I don't quite want to let go if push comes to shove.
I'm done with high school.
Can you believe it?
I can't.


  1. I believe it kiddo, and I'm about ready to wet my pants with excitement (not really, just kidding!)over the fact that you're DONE with high school. Oh yeah, one little thing...freshman year in college is a lot like high school. But it gets easier!


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