It's early for the end of the year countdown, but the little guy is in bed and the Mister decided to play his game, so why not? In 2014, I gained the title of "Mama." I lost any alone time for the foreseeable future. (Secretly, I'm okay with that.) I stopped running. And I am honestly and truly saddened by that statement. I started taking more photos. I was hugely satisfied by my ability to kick ass and take names with all of the different schedules that went on this year. And frustrated by the lack of subs the district seems to have. I am so embarrassed that I got hiccups in the middle of a lesson. (Silly, I know!) Once again I had to pick up some of the slack. Once again I did not keep my desk clean at work. There is usually paper vomit everywhere! The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is no baby belly! The biggest psychological difference betwe...