In 2013, I gained a fiancĂ©, a house, and quite a bit of weight around my mid-section (for a good reason though). I lost my mind as I developed a method of implementing our new ELA curriculum. I stopped reading and writing for myself… and man, that sucked. I started planning ahead -even if only a little, it's more than before. I was hugely satisfied by not having to replace my entire wardrobe with maternity clothes. And frustrated by PUPPS. I am so embarrassed that I still take out my nerves on my fingernails. Once again, I started off waaayyyyyyy too nice. Once again, I did not use this blog as much as I intended. The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is a much more circular tummy area. The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is how I feel about life and the future. I loved spending time cuddling up at night. Why did...