
Showing posts from January, 2012

Better Late, Than Never

I have my issues with that simple statement, but alas in this instance of belated New Year "Resolutions," I might find it true. complete a 5k (note I said complete ; it might be a race for some, but I just want to be able to finish) write more often (write anything, really) write more letters (okay, more specific) spend more time outside (Jack needs to spend more time outside too once it's warmer) go back to Savannah (obv) teach more (and in a variety of grades - -gotta get outta that comfort zone!) cook more (lots of things....and new things, too) trust

A Reminder

Because this is the New Year.

Goodbye 2011, I can't say I'll miss you.

In 2011, I gained a bachelor's degree in elementary education, with a minor in history (and the shit load of debt that came with it). I lost an old friend. I stopped trying to gain his approval. I started looking for a job in the "real world." I was hugely satisfied by finishing my first NaNo event, especially since I was so far behind. Woot! And frustrated by the idiocy that I too often deal with at work. I am so embarrassed that I was caught singing at work. Once again, I rocked the casbah (and failed at blogging). Once again, I did not laugh enough. The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is my guns. LOL. The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is my hope, or lack thereof. I loved spending time jumping on the trampoline with two of my three favorite guys. Why did I spend even two minutes thinking that things could be different? I should have spent more time in Georgia. I regret b...