
Showing posts from October, 2008

Top 5 Names I Will NEVER Name My Daughter (First OR Middle Name):

5. Anything that sounds horrendous 4. Donna 3. Kimberly 2. Tiffany 1. Ashley

Have I mentioned......

That I cannot WAIT until this movie comes out!?!

Not a teenager anymore

I think that at some point during my youth that I managed to convince myself that when I turned twenty my life would somehow become a little easier, less drama involved. And now, I'm actually laughing as I type that. I don't have that safety net anymore, the last resort excuse that, I'm a teenager, I'm suppose to be naive and (for lack of a better word) stupid. Poof! Gone! Now I actually have to think of why I do some of the things I do and what to do about this silly thing called the future. Easier? Less drama? Yes, I'm still laughing.

Being Vulgar.

Fuck You.

Just another reason why today has been a day from hell

According to this, I'm more likely to get breast cancer than you are.