
Showing posts from July, 2008

The Letter.

Dear Jess: Yeah, that's all I have too....

Writer's Block

...It's a horrible disease.

technology hates me

I tried to post video earlier today and I think I finally figured out why it didn't work. The person who posted it put some wicked voodoo on it and made it impossible to magically post elsewhere. Or, in other words, there's some computer technical term for it, but I know nothing about it, so I'm currently incapable of making it appear here for you to watch for my entertainment pleasure. Boo! So, since I'm still a sap, and want to be able to have easy access to the video, I will post the link and be comforted that probably no one will click it and watch it though. Rory & Jess: Everything Yes, because I'm a sap, and I feel for the best TV couple ever created.

a different kind of love letter

I've been writing you letters again. In my head, I mean, because writing them down would be too dangerous, too convenient, too real . Now don't get excited yet. They aren't anything great, these letters. Just small facts, and tid-bits, and complaints, and questions - -some that you can answer and some you can't and some you can't answer with full faith but will come up with a reply that you know will comfort me without technically being a lie. They're life.... In writing. For you . Silly, I know.


So, I got a new computer. A laptop actually. It's cool. High tech. All set up thanks to the boyfriend. The only thing I officially haven't mastered yet is the typing without always hitting the mouse pad or whatever. The stupid cursor moves and I don't necessarily realize it. For example, it probably took me a full minute to type that last sentence because of it moving around. Oh well, I'll get use to it and avoid it eventually. (I was going good there until I hit the "it" too.) In other news, I'm going to start doing pilates. Yes, you heard me right. I have the DVD, I have the mat, and I've also convinced Kyle that he's going to do it with me. Nice, huh? Well, that's it for now!

A Little Piece of Summer

How many weeks are we into summer already, and for the first time I feel like I had a brief moment of summer. FINALLY! Granted I did my laundry and had it done by 10am, I laid out for a while this afternoon. Then, even though after only a measly 30 minutes I was sweating, I decided to jump into the pool to cool off. AND I even created a whirlpool. :-) Thank you, summer goddess, for giving me some temporary serenity.